
Custom Software

The most complicated challenges need simple solutions. And that’s what we do. And we know that, in the healthcare and health and wellness industries, your customers often face serious challenges.

So, read on to find out how we can provide you with simple solutions to your customers’ most pressing challenges.

Our Approach

Solving your challenges effectively and efficiently starts with the right approach. And our approach is rooted in a deep appreciation of the role and trends in customer software solutions globally, especially in digital health, wellness, and fitness.

This gives us an understanding of how technology can improve treatment and outcomes and also how it can make healthcare providers more efficient and effective. As such, with our custom software development services, we not only understand the importance of but we can also help you with:

Patient journey optimization

The patient journey can be optimized through the use of technology which then increases patient satisfaction and, ultimately, leads to better treatment outcomes. 


Telemedicine is becoming increasingly important to deliver high-quality and affordable medical care to patients who aren’t close to healthcare facilities or aren’t able to access healthcare services. 

Data interoperability 

Data is becoming critical to not only diagnose diseases better but also to provide improved treatment and better treatment outcomes. Yet, it’s also important to ensure that the necessary data protection measures are in place to comply with privacy regulations and legislation like HIPAA, HITECH, GDPR, and others.

Process optimization

The digitization of processes and documentation can make healthcare facilities more efficient which allows them to save time but also gives them the ability to have deeper insights into their patients and their treatment.

Cloud migration

Nowadays, an increasing number of companies are migrating their services and products to the cloud. And it’s easy to see why considering that it can make businesses more efficient, provide advanced data analytics capabilities, and make vital data available across an entire organization. Despite this, it comes with several challenges that need to be solved to make any cloud migration a success.

But it goes further than this, though. Our approach also involves transparency, partnership, and a proactive attitude. We adhere to these values when we work with any client on any project, no matter how big or small.

Case Studies


Remote patient monitoring for cardiac rehabilitation

Chanl Health is a cutting-edge digital health platform striving to transform the way rehabilitation is delivered to patients. The platform provides a comprehensive remote patient monitoring solution dedicated to patients with heart diseases.
Virtual care
Remote patient monitoring

Generative AI in medical documentation processing

The project was designed to transform the health claim processing workflow from a labor-intensive task into an automated, efficient system. The system digitizes documents, categorizes them, extracts key facts, and generates medical summaries and reports.
Health & Wellbeing

AR Sales Platform for a Pharmaceutical Product

This innovative app was specifically designed for Polpharma sales representatives to effectively showcase their new product – eye drops. The app offers an immersive augmented reality (AR) experience, guiding users through a walkthrough of an allergy season scenario.

View all Case Studies

How we work with you

With our custom software development services, what we do is just as important as the way we do it. Simply put, when done right, you get the outcomes you planned.
Fortunately, with Apzumi, you have options to do it right and get the results you want. For one, we can help you with new product development. Here, we will support you from the early stages of ideation right through to the development of your minimum viable product and its continuous development and scaling. Simply put, we help you make your ideas a reality.

But what if you already have your own team who are busy working on your product? Here, we can also help and can supplement your existing team with the skills you need to get your product to market. In addition, we also offer product discovery and code audit services. Simply put, we can adapt to your circumstances and needs.
Now, with that in mind, let's look closer at how we work with you when you want to develop a new product.

Our Process

Our process from the high level perspective

As you know, the development of any product starts with proper planning. Once planned, your product’s success also relies on the implementation of the right processes to take the product from idea to reality. So, when we work with you on your new product development, we follow a rigorous process of:


Scoping & estimation

We start our process by learning more about your idea. As such, we learn what your requirements are and what work will be needed to meet these requirements. This enables us to define the scope of work needed which, in turn, allows us to prepare a proposal that will explain exactly how we plan to deliver the key aspects of your product. Ultimately, after the scoping and estimation stage, you’ll have a clearly defined project roadmap with a range of estimates and a schedule for completion.

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Product design

During the next stage, we start with the design of your project. And it’s here where you’ll see your project come to life. During our design process, we focus on defined user goals, user flows, and the visualization of your idea. So, at this stage, you'll see how your app looks, what features it offers, and how users can use it.



After the product design stage, we’re able to develop and deliver a minimum viable product (MVP). At this stage, you’ll have a fully working version of your software or platform with the minimum features you required.


Iterative product development

It doesn't stop with the MVP, though. From here, we follow a process of iterative development that allows you to continuously develop your software and implement new features with the necessary quality checks. You can then release your software based on your release schedule. This gives you the ability to incorporate new features as your users’ expectations and market conditions change.


Support and Maintenance

It doesn't stop with the MVP, though. From here, we follow a process of iterative development that allows you to continuously develop your software and implement new features with the necessary quality checks. You can then release your software based on your release schedule. This gives you the ability to incorporate new features as your users’ expectations and market conditions change.


Product scaling

When the time comes to scale your product, we can help you make adjustments necessary that will allow you to schedule your product globally. We can also provide you with proactive recommendations to ensure that your product’s scaling is a success.


Scoping & estimation

We start our process by learning more about your idea. As such, we learn what your requirements are and what work will be needed to meet these requirements. This enables us to define the scope of work needed which, in turn, allows us to prepare a proposal that will explain exactly how we plan to deliver the key aspects of your product. Ultimately, after the scoping and estimation stage, you’ll have a clearly defined project roadmap with a range of estimates and a schedule for completion.

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Product design

During the next stage, we start with the design of your project. And it’s here where you’ll see your project come to life. During our design process, we focus on defined user goals, user flows, and the visualization of your idea. So, at this stage, you'll see how your app looks, what features it offers, and how users can use it.



After the product design stage, we’re able to develop and deliver a minimum viable product (MVP). At this stage, you’ll have a fully working version of your software or platform with the minimum features you required.


Iterative product development

It doesn't stop with the MVP, though. From here, we follow a process of iterative development that allows you to continuously develop your software and implement new features with the necessary quality checks. You can then release your software based on your release schedule. This gives you the ability to incorporate new features as your users’ expectations and market conditions change.


Support and Maintenance

It doesn't stop with the MVP, though. From here, we follow a process of iterative development that allows you to continuously develop your software and implement new features with the necessary quality checks. You can then release your software based on your release schedule. This gives you the ability to incorporate new features as your users’ expectations and market conditions change.


Product scaling

When the time comes to scale your product, we can help you make adjustments necessary that will allow you to schedule your product globally. We can also provide you with proactive recommendations to ensure that your product’s scaling is a success.

Project Management and Communication

Let's face it, no matter how good a process is, a product will fail if it's not properly managed. And that's why we implement the necessary project management and communication strategies that not only ensure that we develop a product that meets your requirements but also that your product is a success.

At the core of our project management processes lies Scrum and we have certified scrum masters on our team. But what is scrum? It's a popular framework for solving complex problems while, at the same time, delivering products with the highest possible value.

By using Scrum, we ensure that:

  • We're able to deliver project deliverables quickly and easily.
  • We make effective use of both time and money which, ultimately, means that we’re able to deliver your project deliverables on time while, at the same time, saving you money in the process
  • We’re agile and flexible because scrum methodology allows us to divide projects into easily manageable sprints which means it's easier to get feedback from you and incorporate your feedback into the product.
  • We communicate better through using daily scrum meetings where we not only get clear visibility over the project but also the opportunity to assess where we are, where we’re going to, and what we need to do to get there.

In addition, we also have a weekly meeting with you and monthly summary meetings that allow you to track the progress of your product’s development. Moreover, we also employ a shared Slack channel with all our team members that allows for real-time, open communication and transparency.

Moreover, our tech lead on the project, which is typically one of our most experienced programmers, is involved in the planning process and code reviews. This not only, allows us to plan and execute the process better but also improves our quality control which we’ll deal with hereinbelow.

How We Ensure Quality

Now, ultimately, it's understandable that you want the highest quality product. Fortunately, we have the necessary measures and strategies in place to ensure that we deliver high-quality products on time, every time.

Definition of Done

At the foundation of our quality control processes lies the concept of Definition of Done (DoD). It defines the agreed-upon set of tasks that need to be completed before a project or a part thereof can be considered complete. In simple terms, it separates a task from being “in progress” to “done”.

Depending on your specific product, DoD might vary, but generally, it consists of ensuring code:

  • Is checked.
  • Is deployed to a testing environment and has passed testing processes.
  • Is properly documented.
  • Has been approved by stakeholders.

One of the main benefits of this approach is that it gives us a checklist that we can follow and shows us exactly what needs to be done with every iteration. In this way, we ensure we complete every task required. But it goes further than this, though, and it also has some significant benefits for you.

For example, because we know what needs to be done, we eliminate delays and the costs associated with a reworking of features.

Coding Standards and Conventions

Our quality control goes further than this. Another critical component of our quality control processes is the use of coding standards and conventions. This has several benefits, not only for our team but for you the client as well. 

For one, when applying coding standards, it allows us to re-use code during the development process. In turn, this helps us to make the development process more efficient and reduces the time it takes to develop a product. And when we’re able to reduce development time, we can save you money.

Another benefit of consistently applying coding standards to our code is that it not only reduces complexity in the application but makes it easier for other team members to work on the codebase, no matter if they work on it tomorrow or in a year’s time. 

Finally, and maybe most important is that consistently using coding standards, conventions, and guidelines makes software easier to maintain. And this is especially critical when you consider that over 40% of the total cost of software is spent on its maintenance. So, if we reduce maintenance, we save you money. 

Continuous Integration and Deployment

Simply put, when it comes to delivering quality software, CI/CD processes are invaluable. It helps us deliver high-quality faster by implementing small incremental changes in the software. These small changes are easier to manage compared to larger codebases and leave fewer bugs that need to be sorted out. 

Moreover, when we’re able to detect and sort out bugs in the code faster, we’ll speed up the release cycle of your software. And because proper CI/CD practices merge and deploy code changes after they’ve been properly tested, it leaves you with software that’s always in a release-ready state. In fact, you’ll be able to earn money from your software while we’re still developing it. 

Ultimately, you’ll have a more reliable, high-quality product faster which not only allows you to save money but also ensures that you’re satisfied with the results. 


As a final component of our quality control process, we implement extensive testing. Here, we employ different testing methods, all of which serve their own purpose:

  • Unit testing. Unit testing allows us to test your application at a very low level. As such, we’re able to test the individual pieces of code, components, and modules of your application. Although unit tests can be run manually, they’re typically implemented as part of a continuous integration pipeline.
  • Automated testing. With automated testing, we take testing a step further. Here, we automate a variety of tests that can test anything from the integration between different modules or services, the business requirements of an application, complete application functionality, and performance among others.

Combined, all these testing methodologies ensure that your application works as it should.

Tech Stack

We’ve now looked at how we work, so now it’s time to look at what we work with. When developing custom software solutions, we use and implement only the latest and up-to-date technologies to ensure that your application not only delivers the most advanced features to your customers, but also that it’s future-proof.

As such, we use the following platforms and technologies:

  • Development platforms - Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure.
  • Languages and frameworks- Java, Spring, Angular, Hibernate
  • Database technologies - Hibernate, MySQL, MongoDB

Want to Work With Us?

So, do you have a problem you want to solve and want to work with us? Then don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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About us

Why Apzumi can be a perfect match for You?

Digital health expertise

Having a team that is experienced in building similar applications to yours is a great benefit. In Apzumi we have experience in wide range of applications from digital health, wellness and fitness areas.

Top tech talent & tech stack

We focus on quality over quantity. We hire only top talented developers and encourage them to progress with professional and personal development. Our tech leaders balance innovation with reliability by continuously scouting new technologies and updating our tech stack.

Experience in building web & mobile solutions

Choosing right tech strategy and tech stack has tremendous impact on long term success of your product. Apzumi is happy to help you in planning and executing optimal tech path.

Transparency, Partnership & Proactive Attitude

We believe that there is no great work without great culture. In all we do we follow our values of proactive attitude, transparency and partnership.

Custom healthcare software development

Telemedicine and telehealth software development

Teleconsultation software development

HIPAA compliant software development

Remote monitoring software development

Our experience is only part of the success puzzle, though. The other part is our talent. Here, we only hire the top 1% of the talent out there and our team consists of certified developers and certified scrum masters.
Considering the above, it’s no wonder that we’ve been able to deliver the highest quality software to satisfied customers around the world.


Now, that was a lot to take in. But it’s not all, we’ve also compiled a list of frequently asked questions customers often have when it comes to custom software development services.

1. I want to develop a custom software application, where do I start?

It all starts with an idea. So, you should know what product you want to create, what features it will have, and how it will solve your customers’ problems. If you already have the idea, the next step would be to get in touch with a custom software development company like Apzumi. 

As described above, we’ll then have a scoping meeting with you where we’ll learn more about your product, the required features, and we’ll then develop an estimation and clearly defined action that will show you how long it will take to develop your product and how much it will cost.

2. How long does it take to build a custom software solution?

This is a difficult question to answer as it depends on the complexity of the project and the features you require. Generally, though, the more complex the product, the longer it will take to develop. Fortunately, as mentioned earlier, we’ll provide you with a full estimation of how long the development process will take.

3. How much does it cost to develop a custom software solution?

As is the case with the duration of the product’s development, how much it will cost will also depend on its complexity. So, the more complex the product is and the more features you require, the longer the development process will be. Also, as mentioned above, once we know what functionality you require, we can provide an estimation of how long development will take.

4. Does migrating to the cloud make custom software solutions more secure?

Generally, deploying your custom software solution to the cloud is more secure than an on-site deployment. That’s not to say an on-site deployment can’t be secure, though. But the thing is that cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure have bigger budgets than most other companies.

As a result, they can afford to invest in the latest safety technologies. Because of this, their security solutions are far more robust than the security solutions you’ll be able to implement on your own. Also, in most cases, cloud providers also implement the necessary measures so that their solutions are compliant with various privacy and data protection regulations.

5. How can I make a custom software solution more secure and HIPAA compliant?

Apart from deploying your application to the cloud to make it inherently more secure as described above, there are several other strategies you can implement to make your custom software solution more secure and HIPAA compliant, which is especially important for healthcare applications.

This, for instance, includes maintaining proper access control, implementing the right data backup systems, encrypting data, ensuring password-protected access, and more.

6. How much does it cost to maintain a cloud solution?

As mentioned earlier when we mentioned the duration of the development process, the maintenance of an application in the cloud depends on several factors. For one, with most cloud providers, you’ll pay on a pay-as-you-go basis. This means you’ll only pay for the resources you use. As a result, if your product requires a fair amount of resources it will typically be more expensive to run and maintain.

7. Who owns a custom software solution?

Once we’ve completed the development of the product, you own everything related to the product. So, you own the source code, the executable files, and the project files.

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