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Set of companion apps for wellness devices

The Homedics software comprises a suite of applications to operate various medical devices. These apps enable smartphone integration, allowing for reading and storing data such as blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygenation levels.
Virtual care
Fitness & wellness


FKA Brands LTD


Virtual care, Fitness & wellness




Project Based


3x Mobile App

Team Size

5 developers, QA, UI/UX, PM




1 year (ongoing)
Project description

The Homedics software comprises a suite of applications specifically designed to operate medical devices: Homedics Health+, Equate Heart Health+, and BP Health.

The primary goal was the creation of a set of replicable apps that would allow the producer to easily apply software for devices sold under their own label, white label and branded by major medical retailers. Each app allows for the integration of medical devices with smartphones, assisting users in conveniently reading and storing records of blood pressure, heart rate monitoring, and blood oxygenation levels. All readings are saved without requiring internet access, directly on the mobile device, ensuring accessibility and security. Additionally, the applications facilitate the processing of information from other devices through integrations with Apple Health and Google Fit apps.

Project results
About the problem

Operating medical devices via applications offers users many benefits, such as a more advanced UI and more intuitive handling. However, for many users, the most important aspects are the reliability and security of such a solution. Creating an application that does not require internet access:

  • ensures seamless usability in any condition
  • facilitates access for older generations who do not use internet connections
  • enhances security by avoiding the need to store test results in the cloud
Project scope
Step 1
Document Digitalization

The first step involved converting scanned documents into digital formats using OCR technology. This phase was crucial due to the diverse nature and quality of the scanned documents. Advanced OCR solutions were employed, capable of handling various text formats, handwriting, and even low-quality scans, ensuring high accuracy in digitization.

Step 2
Document Categorization

Once digitized, the documents were categorized into predefined classes such as medical reports, lab tests, and billing documents. This categorization was facilitated by a machine learning model trained on a large dataset of annotated healthcare documents. The model was fine-tuned to recognize and categorize documents accurately, even when the formats and templates varied significantly.

Step 3
Key Facts Retrieval

The extraction of key facts from the categorized documents was the next critical step. Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, the system identified and extracted pertinent information such as patient names, birthdates, addresses, ICD codes, and details of medical procedures. The AI model was trained to understand the context and semantics of the healthcare domain, ensuring a high level of precision in fact retrieval.

Step 4
Medical Summary and Report Generation

The final step involved synthesizing the extracted information into coherent medical summaries and reports. Generative AI models, trained on a vast corpus of medical texts, were employed to generate summaries that were both accurate and easily comprehensible. These summaries provided a consolidated view of the patient's medical history and current claims, significantly aiding in the decision-making process.

Key features
Medical devices integration
In-device data storage
Replicable app
Offline device integration
Apple Health data import
Google Fit data import
live chat
with doctor
Project timeline
3 months
Software Development
Homedics Health+ implementation

Our starting point was an outdated app written in an obscure Android language that had been abandoned. Thus, we revamped the Homedics Health+ platform using Flutter technology.

4 months
Software Development
Equate Heart Health+ & BP Health implementation

Next in line were the Equate Heart Health+ & BP Health applications, which we also rewrote in Flutter, a more modern, superior, and standards-compliant platform over which we have full control.

1 month
Data migration
Legacy & whitelabel apps

After uploading the applications to iOS and Android stores, the next step was to add the ability to migrate data and test results between the old and new applications.

2 months
Product Scaling
Integration with Apple Health & Google Fit

During this phase, our aim was to seamlessly integrate with Google Health and Apple Fit applications, ensuring that data from these platforms seamlessly synchronizes with Homedics' apps.

Product Scaling
White label apps improvements

More functionalities coming soon!

Project tech stack


Mobile Development
Project tool stack

Jira Cloud

Project Management

Confluence Cloud

Project Documentation

Atlassian Cloud

Project Management


Project Communication


Project Documentation


UI/UX Design


Video Calls Integration

Google Maps



E-mails Integration
Technical description

Flutter is a very flexible, cross-platform tool that allows creating hybrid applications for both iOS and Android devices. It has a great support for visually striking effects like animations, while being lightweight and easy to use. Also its flexibility allows the interfaces to look pretty much identical across platforms.