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Patient empowerment app generating Medical BLUEPRINT™

UzObi Medical BLUEPRINT™ is a platform empowering patients to take control of their medical journey. It allows users to create a comprehensive patient profile that outlines their desired actions in emergencies or end-of-life scenarios.
Patient experience
Virtual care


UzOb Inc.


Patient experience, Virtual care




Project Based


Web app

Team Size

2 developers, QA, UI/UX, PM


6 months


1.5 year (ongoing)
Project description

UzObi Medical BLUEPRINT™ is a digital service ensuring alignment with patient values across all care settings: routine, urgent, and end-of-life.

The web app guides patients through a dedicated questionnaire, allowing them to define preferred actions in critical situations. The result is a comprehensive profile, known as the Medical BLUEPRINT™, which can be shared with family, close ones, chosen doctors, or medical providers. By establishing individual healthcare decisions, patients ensure that all decisions regarding their health align with their preferences based on values, religion, or personal beliefs. The results can be displayed in various language modes for medical professionals and family members, ensuring the outcome is understandable for everyone involved.

The app also provides access to virtual consultations with industry-leading ethicists, ready to offer real-time support and help navigate complex decisions.

Project results
About the problem

UzObi improves patient engagement and empowers informed decision-making in areas such as cultural considerations, identity, and personal values, enabling patients to articulate their care goals more effectively. This tool facilitates clear communication between patients and providers, providing benefits for all stakeholders:

  • Patients can feel more secure about the ethics of their healthcare journey, ensuring their voice is heard by doctors and loved ones.
  • Doctors are partially relieved of responsibility due to facilitated shared decision-making, allowing them to offer care plans aligned with patient values.
  • Insurers can provide a valuable service that gives their members a resource they can use throughout their lives.
Project scope
Step 1
Document Digitalization

The first step involved converting scanned documents into digital formats using OCR technology. This phase was crucial due to the diverse nature and quality of the scanned documents. Advanced OCR solutions were employed, capable of handling various text formats, handwriting, and even low-quality scans, ensuring high accuracy in digitization.

Step 2
Document Categorization

Once digitized, the documents were categorized into predefined classes such as medical reports, lab tests, and billing documents. This categorization was facilitated by a machine learning model trained on a large dataset of annotated healthcare documents. The model was fine-tuned to recognize and categorize documents accurately, even when the formats and templates varied significantly.

Step 3
Key Facts Retrieval

The extraction of key facts from the categorized documents was the next critical step. Using natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, the system identified and extracted pertinent information such as patient names, birthdates, addresses, ICD codes, and details of medical procedures. The AI model was trained to understand the context and semantics of the healthcare domain, ensuring a high level of precision in fact retrieval.

Step 4
Medical Summary and Report Generation

The final step involved synthesizing the extracted information into coherent medical summaries and reports. Generative AI models, trained on a vast corpus of medical texts, were employed to generate summaries that were both accurate and easily comprehensible. These summaries provided a consolidated view of the patient's medical history and current claims, significantly aiding in the decision-making process.

Key features
Medical blueprints
document form
Language modes
for medicals and family
Data sharing
trusted contacts choice
live chat
with doctor
Project timeline
1 month
Product Discovery

The project began with a series of discovery workshops. During these sessions, we conducted in-depth interviews with the client to understand their project goals and business objectives. We also thoroughly identified and documented the desired features of the application.

2 months
UI/UX Design

In this phase, we meticulously crafted the information architecture and designed detailed user journeys to ensure an optimal user experience. We then progressed to creating low-fidelity and high-fidelity designs, applying meticulously prepared branding.

6 months
Software Development

With well-defined goals and finalized designs, we had a solid foundation for the development process. Our development team adjusted their work pace to align with the external circumstances on the client's side, ensuring synchronization with the business development of the project.


With the deployment of the platform, our team initiated the final phase of project support, delivering ongoing optimization and making necessary adjustments to ensure the platform's continued success and performance.

Project tech stack


Frontend Development


Backend Development


Project tool stack

Jira Cloud

Project Management

Confluence Cloud

Project Documentation

Atlassian Cloud

Project Management


Project Communication


Project Documentation


UI/UX Design


Video Calls Integration

Google Maps



E-mails Integration
Technical description